
Article I
Fashion and Freedom

Miss Fashion and Freedom recognizes, promotes and rewards the beauty and femininity of the candidates. As well as value their own beauty, even through Fashion, the candidates must recognize that Freedom is the condition for which a person can decide to speak, think and act without obligations or constraints, using a free choice of ends and means that deem appropriate to achieve it. The absence of Freedom can isolate people. In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen reads: “Freedom is being able to do that does not harm others.”
Express own opinions, those just mentioned should not create discrimination, but Freedom extends beyond: Freedom to be themselves, preserving and respecting own personality, origins, social and family history as well sexuality and identity. Not only respect what you think or say, but respect for what has been. Every person is a network of ideas, experiences, stories, these lives must be defended, protected, valued, because they are a fundamental right for everyone. It’s not important the geographic area of origin, or social status or individual aesthetic value, it is true that each of us is a world, it is also true that there are no closed worlds, and each of us is part of a set of a network of social relations, connected by “media”. The media are the means, that if used properly, can produce Freedom”.
Article II
Fashion as Freedom

The body is the first means that the man has available to create social meanings, is a source of symbols showing our way of live and watch the world and society where we are. The body is also the symbol of our personality, we tend to shape it according to our behavioural characteristics, using it as a tool as a subject. The historical experience and social relations of power can produce a somatisation of beauty: these two features are expressed through the body. We transform our bodies to give us an identity and at the same time speaks to others of us. One of the chief means we have to express all this is the dress, which of us gets a prosthetic body, a part of us, the more manipulable. Fashion is the instrument for expressing the Freedom by creating and shaping the personal identity and history. Fashion has always been the means by which it claimed was expressed or a social condition. Today, as in the past, must be the Fashion to carry out certain ethical values, to express, to understand and to know the human diversity through the dress.
Article III
Freedom of Fashion and apparel

Miss Fashion and Freedom is based on freedom to dress according to their personal freedom, respecting the aesthetic global and local fee, for both the participants should be aware that the perception of the beauty of a woman or a man must go through his history, his nation, his personal identity. The fashion is created and recreated in a constant and continuous way, but what never changes is its power over others.
The woman can express their pride in being what is, valuing her femininity, having to give any explanations on her way of dressing, to express themselves through the language of own body. Without form of coercion by others or by social forces, coercion does not permit free choice; the woman according to her personal decisions must have the Freedom to express, through Fashion, its
own autonomy. Freedom consists in wanting to cover or uncover exactly according to their personality, their interests and their history, eliminating as much as possible to the social pressure that wants to enhance a single charge of Fashion. Fashion takes nourishment from cultural diversity, the diversity of experiences, from the aesthetic diversity in the world and that is why she just may be the only one who can convey the true value of Freedom, starting from clothes.
Article IV
Woman as a symbol of Freedom and Fashion

The woman is always a universe of values, it is through her that we were the most important social changes in history; it is the woman who has become an ambassador of aesthetic Freedom, a Freedom not entangled in social fixed fees, a Freedom that must just follow its natural flow, its evolution, creating and re-shaping herself constantly. The woman who uses Fashion as a common ground, a woman who is honorary consul of a concept that alone would have the power to change the world. The woman using the force of Fashion is an engineer and builder of freedom, without sacrificing her femininity, exploiting all the many facets that embodies this concept.
The woman in Fashion, she is not an object, but the subject is that she acts in person on the very concept of Freedom.
Article V
Freedom from drugs

The social pressure sometimes puts people in a position of not feeling up to the others, of their social group, their work, the expectations of the others have towards them, effectively creating a social and emotional distress. The drug is an illusory way to fill the void left by the expectations of others. The drug is the antithesis of Fashion, cages Freedom and makes slaves of a sick society. The Fashion, the value is to give this concept here, valuing diversity, the weaknesses and strengths of each individual could free people from the burden of having to be always up situations.
Article VI
Equality between men and women

Beauty competitions in the past, have always placed a woman in a role of subordination to a spectator, a man, in these contests the woman was the victim of a “tyranny of the look”. Things have changed; the beauty contest should not be conceived as a showcase where men look at and admire the women as an object, but a way in which women take in hand their own identities, their values, their history and value them, using Fashion as a common ground, a way to teach all individuals (men or women) the concept of Freedom, emphasizing the real equality between men and women.
Article VII
Charity, brotherhood and philanthropy

Charity means selfless love towards others. Miss Fashion and Freedom, will use its image as a magnifying glass that reveals reality, sometimes uncomfortable, in order to raise awareness around the issue of global public opinion. To develop the brotherhood between the people demonstrating solidarity and fellowship of ideals and intentions.
Article VIII
Pride in own identity and history

Each individual is the result of a sum of historical processes and identity, an intertwining of history and stories; their family and personal history, which interweave and follow the flow of the history of the nation even before the unity of a people is formed. The participants will enhance the beauty and value to their place of origin, ethnic group, their own language. And enhance their personal characteristics and their peculiarities, not only respecting others, the group from which it originates, but also their personal identity.
Article IX
Human rights

« …Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of Freedom, justice and peace in the World»
(Preamble of Universal Declaration of human rights, 1948)
The candidates will have to share the importance of human rights. These rights are fundamental to human beings. Some of these are the basis of the life: the right to individual Liberty, the right to live, the right to self-determination, the right to a dignified existence, the right to religious Freedom with the consequent right to change the own religion; moreover, social equality rights that guarantee equal access to citizenship, equality before the law and elimination of sexual discrimination, right to welfare that provides access to an education system and protection in case of severe hardship and poverty; collective rights that ensure protection against genocide and exploitation of natural resources, right not to be oppressed by financial speculation.
Article X
Freedom of thought, religion and satire

« Everyone has the right to Freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change own religion or belief, and Freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest the own religion or own belief…» (Universal Declaration of Human rights, Article 18, 1948)
Freedom of thought is the base of all Freedoms, the candidate must be an example for all, showing how the true singularity of expression really makes free. Their individuality, their passions, their own history. Political ideas and those of the social structure should not be a source of discrimination, but must be those features that enrich the community of which they belong. The richness of the thoughts is a wealth of society. It is important to use the myriad of otherness around us to improve and learn more about identity.
The same satire is part of Freedom of expression, it is a manifestation of thought that the purpose of describing aspects of the public criticism of individuals, political parties and state structures in order to obtain, through humor, awareness of certain issues.
Article XI
Centrality of the human person, respect for life

The life of every person is important, any decision should be made taking into account the centrality of human experience. The social status doesn’t matter, the diversity of ideas, geographical origin, religious belief or the past of a person. The candidates, as such, should be able to transmit that Freedom, the Freedom of others is equivalent to our own personal Freedom.
Article XII
Tolerance, integration, acceptance, fight against discrimination

The candidate must be prepared in respect of tolerance, seeking ways of living together peacefully with people different from them, for ethnic, religious, sexual, ideological ways. Tolerance is much more nuanced when compared with terms such as “respect” and “acceptance”. “Tolerance of others” is seen negative and passive (i don’t accept you but i tolerate you); however, is a first step towards a true acceptance of otherness. Bias is an attitude not equal. Respect for the Freedom of others is the basis of Freedom of each individual. The discrimination stems from ignorance of reality, from a lack of information, a vacuum of knowledge that is filled with fear and concern for diversity.
Article XIII
Against violence, respect for women

Physical and psychological violence, is always something to be condemned. Violence against people, animals and the environment. The absence of Freedom is not only political and social. Acts of family violence may in fact deny Freedom: Freedom of carefree childhood, a life without worries. The fight against violence, be they political or family, is given by the violence of street crime or international terrorism, whether it be a trap and social constraints, violence is something from which to distance, trying to create a common sense. Violence against women is a variation of family abuse and social violence; these violence continue this aspect every day all over the world. The image of women that should be emphasized in this contest is an image of strength and grace.
Article XIV
Freedom of food

Discrimination, marginalization, feelings of inadequacy and the feeling of never feeling up to the situation are the main causes of eating disorders. The candidate must try to feel at ease with themselves, with their physicality and have a good relationship with food, by foregrounding the aspect of psycho-physical feeling free to eat whatever they see fit, preserving their health, not by becoming slaves of the food, but use it as a source of expression of their individuality and personality.
Article XV

The progress is an essential element of every nation, it is what allows a society to be able to evolve. Supporting literacy and education of people is crucial to be able to implement, in this way not only encourage those specialized professionals, but we can stimulate university research innovations and discoveries leading to safeguard human health and the environment in which we live. Progress becomes real only when these innovations are made available to all individuals regardless of their status.
Article XIV

The participants will sign a charter of values for the acceptance of the values listed above. The winner will be the symbol of beauty, Fashion and Freedom to them combined. Miss Fashion and Freedom combines the values of beauty and femininity to that of Freedom. Miss Fashion and Freedom is synonymous with beauty, Fashion, Freedom at the same time. Miss Fashion and Freedom is symbol of ethic and aesthetic.